Ethics of clinical trials outsourcing and conduct in LMICs, with a focus on India.Clinical trials in India continue to be in the news, unfortunately a fair bit being negative coverage. Over the last few years, there has been continuing outrage on the issue of rising outsourcing of clinical trials to India, with concerns about little benefit or relevance to the public health needs of the country. While this dust has not even settled, allegations of unethical conduct in clinical trials have again brought a focus on the need for regulatory reform and stringent ethical safeguards. India, as an emerging economy needs to continue to promote a strong culture of research and development, including in the health sector. However, attention needs to be paid to ensuring that stringent quality checks are built in, and that investigators conduct research in an impeccable manner. Failure to do so will dent the credibility of the research enterprise, affecting not just investigators or institutions conducting research, but also those planning to do so.
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Blog posts

TB Partnership looking for Trial Sites - The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR)
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Clinical Trials Short Course at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
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The Editorial Team
Today we have launched the pilot for the Global Health Clinical Trials website. We aim for this to be a ...
Fast tracking informative clinical trials: lessons for mental health
by Gold, Stefan, Landray, Martin, Medhurst, Nick, Otte, ChristianThiscourse covers the essentials of study design and protocol development, bioethics,good clinical practice (GCP), data management, regulatory affairs, safety monitoring,and practical management skills.
Development of an online resource for recruitment research in clinical trials to organise and map current literature
by Anna Kearney, Nicola Harman, Anna Rosala-Hallas, Claire Beecher, Jane Blazeby, Peter Bower, Mike Clarke, William Cragg, Sinead Dune, Heidi Gardner, Patricia Healy, Lisa Maguire, Nicola Mills, Leila Rooshenas, Ceri Rowlands, Shaun Treweek, Akke Vellinga, Paula Williamson, Carrol GambleTransparency in the conduct and reporting of clinical trials is supported by the guidance produced on the content of clinical trial protocols and reporting standards for clinical trials. While the principle features of the statistical analysis are required within this guidance it is generally accepted that a separate Statistical Analysis Plan is also developed as the level of detail appropriate for a SAP is excessive for a protocol. However, there is no detailed guidance on the content of a SAP and consequently, there is marked variation in practice.
Symptomatic Dengue in Children in 10 Asian and Latin American Countries
by Maïna L’Azou, M.Sc. et al.Secondary analysis of clinical trial data reveals dengue burden